Monday, June 22, 2009

Tackling Sustainability Challenges – A Concerted Team Approach

Firms of all sizes are increasingly developing sustainability programs aimed at a broad spectrum of environmental impacts. These range from implementing fairly simple paper recycling programs to elaborate power management initiatives spanning multiple, dispersed physical plants and facilities. The motivations can vary from attaining cost savings that simultaneously lead to positive impacts on environmental emissions to interests in driving increased revenues by differentiating oneself from peers in a competitive market niche. Regardless of the motivations, determining what to pursue for what intended objective(s) is complicated by the many options available and the varying amount of investment and effort required to pursue those options. Success requires a comprehensive plan; one executed with a true team approach.

Briefly, a sustainability strategy needs to be aligned with and indeed contribute to the organization’s overall business plan. The connections between each and how one will positively impact the other is critical. Developing and empowering a diverse yet cohesive team to the challenges of the sustainability program is a critical success factor. Establishment of agreed to and measureable objectives help guide the team toward desired outcomes that can be monitored along the way.

This strategy needs to be guided by sound data on the most critical impacts targeted for mitigation. Without such data it is difficult, if not impossible, to determine how big a challenge one has, the type of remediation programs needed to pursue, the appropriate investment to make, or whether or not the desired objectives are attained. Once the appropriate metrics are agreed upon and sound baselines can be established, identification and implementation of the appropriate programs can commence. Periodic monitoring along the way can help ensure success and/or changes in approach as appropriate.

Among the many significant targets to be considered, corporate data centers in medium to large scale firms emerge as promising targets. Ideally, initiatives pursued in data centers will not only make significant contributions to sustainability goals and objectives but will also lead to improved efficiencies that strengthen business performance and agility. The ability to positively contribute to a multitude of corporate objectives, representing both business and sustainability goals, demands a concerted team approach. Otherwise it’s likely that investments will be made in areas that may yield some significant returns yet do not represent the most optimal options available.

Our experiences and observations at Global Green Consulting Group firmly support the need for a concerted team approach, one that includes the rigor that balances the objectives of business goals and objectives with sustainability targets in the most cost efficient manner. The absence of an effective team approach can very well lead to some impressive sustainability outcomes yet fall short of what is otherwise possible.

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